How to write one2many field in odoo. so please help me to find a solution.

I've one2many field in my current model, I want to update the value of that field when new record created, and this one2many field's co-model has it's own one2many fields. my need is to make a table *update* ie when I click to apply 'get_teachers' it does a search and add the teachers in the One2many, in my case he does the research but he does not suppress the recent records I need replace previous references teacher_ids = fields. Hello All, I'm having problem on overriding create method. i wanted to append data to the one2many field but this implementation i am using only replaces the value and it is not what i needed _property = self. To be more precise I need to set the "auto_fill" field formula in a Odoo Sign signature item type that is linked to a Contact (so that the module to be signed can be autocompleted with the Contact data I am sending the module to). so please check whether it is record. search Many2many and One2many fields in Odoo require a specific syntax for manipulating related data. / Also, here you tried to find the location based on the 'employee_id' which could be a many2one field and you have tried searching as 'employee_id' ,'=',emp_name, that is an integer value and you are trying to search by 'string' value. Isn't I am duplicating projects and tasks, in that process, the one2many fields should also be duplicated. analytic. i can't figure it out how I can add this editable tree ? please help. multi def action_clear (self): for rec in self: rec. However, it does not work in form Aug 5, 2022 · In Odoo, there are different types of fields, From these, Relational fields are one of the important types of fields. For example : my one2many field stud_details have values: Roll No Name Mark 1 abc 2 pqr Here rollno , name are already added and on Clicking BUTTon "UPDATE" the marks field need to get updated. Solution applicable to one2many and many2many too :) class res_partner(models. 1/ bao_hiem. #odoo15developmentvideos #one2manyodoo #odoobeginners. Model): _name="myclass. Every partner Jul 8, 2019 · you can not use (6, 0, [IDs]) in one2many field. for say, for taking marks values having one integer field called Mark_update field, and on clicking Sep 22, 2021 · Sudhir Arya it work Thank you so much!! But idk why copy=True doesn't work for me. fechas' , 'hr. Can not be used in create(). search([('staff_age','=',0)]) search_var. If you are looking to clear data entered in the one2many field and date field, you can try the below code, @api. Odoo Unpacking Policies: (0, 0, { values }) link to a new record that needs to be Hi Everyone. I dont know how i overcome the situation. partner) one field name is sale_ids second field name is sale_orders when i select res. e z['name'] and 'y. multi. constraints(first_ one2many_field) def copy_one2many(self): # loop the items in first_one2many_field and use "create" or" write" function to copy data to second_one2many_field# Hi, Your question was not clear if it is about CSV import or XML so I decided to write out both. Char('Label XXX', compute='_compute_flag_childs') @api. fechas', when I modify the field, the value of 'x_dias_restantes' is modified Nov 23, 2016 · One2many fields can be auto managed by odoo framework, when you set many2one reference in record then the inverse model have the one2many relation and that will be managed auto (One2many field needed to be defined). to write to one2many field use : (0, 0, { values }) link to a new record that needs to be created with the given values dictionary (1, ID, { values }) update the Not exactly in my one2many, i want to fill a result for eg : timesheet_ids = timesheet_obj. The fields can be categorized into 3 types: Simple Types, Relation Types, Functional Types. My one2many field has one2many field, I want to create record for that model as well, How can i achieve this Enjoying the discussion? Don't just read, join in! Create an account today to enjoy exclusive features and engage with our awesome community! Sign up For overriding the write method, see: How To Override Write Function in Odoo Also you can achieve the same using a compute field, so that you dont need to override both the create and write function: How to Write Compute Field and its Function in Odoo12 Hi everybody, I'm writing you to ask how to write the formula to access a one2many item internal field. How to load default values for fields in odoo using default get function. write({ 'stud_ids': [(0,0, { 'reg_no':4200, Hi, I would like to have a feature on the one2many field. Model). Model): _inherit = "res. But I searched and see that for gird view it must have one2many field above the tree. This field is a one2many pointing to other model named /*res. Many2one Help Tooltip: To explain the purpose of a field, write a description under Help Tooltip. Presently what it does is to just allow the already existing fields to be edited Segun Adesanya. — inverse_name: The name of Hi, You can add a print statement/logger message inside the compute function and see whether the function is get called or not. line']. Hi my friend!! Thanks a lot for the example. The form contains certain customer details and the grid columns are date and status,having nothing to do with the form above. new and 'hr. app. I've heard about overwriting create/write methods but i don't know how to do. Many2one( 'crm. some fields need to remove this feature). partner" sb_sector_id = fields. Good afternoon, I'm having a problem with a one2many field in Odoo 15, I have two models hr. order and all one2many lines: self. write({'order_id':False}) Best regards. attachment – whether the field should be stored as ir_attachment or in a column of the model’s table (default: True). Consider following example class Anything(models. field_name = fields. Reference( [('res. I watched video on youtube (How To Update One2many Field From OnChange Of Field in Odoo) about this case. Thanks Ibrahim it worked but partially, the products showing are in same line like you can see the second line under invoice description "betrillix,sample" those are two different products but showing in same line, how can I do them in two different lines? I created a method that loops over all pos orders to get data from there to use it on report, I need to display this data on an One2many field Before printing it, I'm trying a lot but the data created on a model and doesn't displayed on current field here what I did data = fields . supplierinfo', 'read', seller, ['name']) dest_user = destination May 14, 2020 · If have two entities "payment" and "bill". task name task date project name employee name hours a single week's timesheet is selected for a specified user from within the time-tracking module. You can access one2many fields values using one2many filed name and dot notation. write({ 'property_ids': _property }) additional input: i have tried this code as i have Hello, First you need to create a record of team. model' using code, you should create a many2one field to the table you want to link to, if that table doesn't already have it. I am using the create function instead of copy() function for duplicating the projects and tasks This is the One2many field that i want to duplicate: predecessor_ids = fields. i used widget="selection". This is my code. I need to add the same mark for all the students. Many2many('comodel_name', tracking=True) Insert a new record in one2many fields in odoo9. osv): _name = "vans. Hi I'm trying to know if it is possible to add an Onchange function to update One2many field from the user interface in Odoo. commit" ) and i want the whole form of this button will display in my project. term record. partner_territory = fields. account' model with a One2many field that references a second model with a One2many field. invoice. field_name = [(0,0,{'field_o2m1':value, 'field_o2m2': value}), (0,0,{'field_o2m1':value, 'field_o2m2': value})] See the sample of setting default value for one2many field in odoo: need to get the range between 2 years on a many2many field each year must be a record on the model. Aug 24, 2015 · Because someone undervoted my answer, I want to try and improve it: If you want to add new one to many field 'others' to you model 'module. I also successfully rewriting the list of result, but I stumbled upon a confusion where i would like to update that record into other fields using record. supplierinfo', 'read', seller, ['name']) dest_user = destination Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. 0. project class. picking module. Also have a look at this video: How to Write Compute Field and its Function in Odoo12 hi all, have added a field zone_id (Many2one) res. For example, if I go to the advanced search of partners, select *rplc* and write "*Friend*" as the Odoo supports several fields for better data handling with specific options for each type. Please look the below code. code record in self. search([('employee_id','=', self. It is displayed in light gray in lieu of the field’s value. Here is my . I save this and it works. search. I read the document "how to build your module" from odoo but the only thing that I get are errors. partner for this student by calling the create function of res. Three is just an example count. journal', 'bank_account_id', domain=[('type', '=', 'bank')], string='Account Journal I'm trying to update a many2many field from website via a <select multiple> element. id is not defined You can write values into the one2many field as follows: self. Thanks Odoo Experience on YouTube. You have to pass the ID of the current record which is record. same goes for one2many as well. Now, upon updating the new ids would supposed to be 1,2,3,4,5 based on the selected <option>s in the <select> - but only the new ids (4,5) are stored, 1,2,3 get removed I have a new field on res. employee model, and added there the children Enjoying the discussion? Don't just read, join in! Create an account today to enjoy exclusive features and engage with our awesome community! Sign up These are the flags which is used for updating Odoo One2many or Many2many fields. Try to debug/print the value of z['name']. subscription_line_ids = fields. line, if you want to create new line for the current account. I hope you are writing this code in account. class odoo. It is displayed inside a tooltip box when hovering with your mouse over the field’s label. line model. i. state). It works, but only write the last record that match the search parameter and I want to write, all of them, not only the last one created. partner*/ model, named *rplc*. env['school. So, basically there is two levels of one2many fields. line. Since official document says. Can not be used on One2many. I created new model for the children with that fields: name, birth_date and parent_id-> which is of type many2one. Thanks, here is a part of In OdooV11, It is possible with column_invisible where you can mention condition based on state of parent model (parent. env['pos. depends decorator and has a value of 12 called 'x_dias_restantes'. then my domain filter not working. comment for line self. update your question with logs if any, usually this is the method we are using to delete the records using unlink() method. The instructions mainly consist of 3 elements added in a tuple, where each of the elements has a special meaning. So you will get account. users']. What is the reason to give one2many field? My codes are given below *. I want to print timesheet ids in excel which has one to many relationship. fields. You don't need to search the record of account. order_line] line1 = rec[0] To get particular line based on condition I want to create grid view in the form view. However, I'm unable to store already existing ids along with newly selected options. Following code I just want to know how to set the values in one2many by using computed field calculation. But I want restrict the user to enter only the first three values and not more than three. You can create many records this way, a list of lists with keywords. 2. In the res dictionary, it should not be the res[rec. Can any one suggest me with example, please . Example, to unlink association between an pos. One2many('account. TransientModel) to class sales_test_wizard(models. name' is different. CASCADE specifies that when a referenced row is deleted, row(s) referencing it should be automatically deleted as well. partner sale_ids give me saleorder of selected res. Many2one('vehicle This affects the widget handle from OpenERP 7 to Odoo 10. The One2manyfield connects to the model stock. Every partner Get the Software Download; Compare Editions; Releases; Collaborate @Grover Menacho, I was quite sure I needed to create a third table, thanks for warning me that, but here's my doubts. Working of one2many field in Odoo. company form, I select some partners for the field *line_of_business_ids*. This is not 'onchange' method. With each payment the user must be able to pay one or more "biils" That is done by adding a One2Many field (of type bill) in the payment model. (5, _, _) removes all records from the set, equivalent to using the command 3 on every record explicitly. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I think we can't set a domain like that, the first parameter should be a field od the model, the second is the operator and the third one is the value. salary from the wizard and then add that record into one2many field of respective model. Here's an example of how you can achieve this: Jan 7, 2014 · For loading the one2many data using onchange, you dont have to create the one2many data from the onchange function. class myclass(osv. subscription. I have a one2many field called 'x_fechas' related to 'hr. each corresponding to a different action. I have One2many fields like below. I would like to ask if it is possible to reload the data from the one2many field in a form view after dragging the record up/down using the widget handle. Advanced Fields¶ class odoo. constraints() method. Model): Jan 6, 2021 · I have 3 models. Model): _name='example' refers_to = fields. I have a situation here in v9. Use of default get function Tồn kho và Sản xuất . In the view of the creation of a sale order, i put a number of section for each sale order line (a section allows me to decompose the sale order into multiple parts). basket. First your relation field should be not required. I am using Odoo v8. py code The first one is nearly right [0, 0, [inside this list you need the list with keywords],]. Please help me to resolve this issue. link. property' model: Jun 7, 2016 · In customer invoice in the account module there is a one2many field, invoice_line = fields. term. Hi , i have a class that look something like this. product_id. write method just give me a true/false. picking. One2many('school. I also created a model which inherits hr. lesson']. can I add in below files or have to create another for this purpose? wants to add in below portion where other details are in tabs Hi, I would like to have a feature on the one2many field. osv): _name = "hr. overtime" comodel_name-- name of the target model (string); inverse_name-- name of the inverse Many2one field in comodel_name (string); domain-- an optional domain to set on candidate values on the client side (domain or string) Hi All, How to create function field for many2one or one2many. It do exactly what I want but I use Odoo studio to create my module. It includes hundreds of business apps: CRM; How to update one2many field on write mthod in odoo. One2many('project. order_line] The above rec variable get all lines comment data list. * * * * class ServiceDetails(models. execute(source_db, source_userId, source_password, 'product. Thanks Mar 5, 2021 · Odoo is the world's easiest all-in-one management software. Placeholder: To provide an example of how a field should be completed, write it under Placeholder. One2many fields aren't actually stored on the database table though. In this situation how can I create a one2many field ?What should be the "Object Relation" and the "Relation Field" when I I'd like them to follow the general instructions found there for creating a simple columnar data dump of timesheet data with the following columns. I have written the xml for the grid view. One2many('parking_log','parking_log_id',string='Log Parkir', ondelete='cascade') class ParkingLog(models. Binary [source] ¶ Encapsulates a binary content (e. Relational fields in Odoo. Example, In sale order main. create(cr, uid, Hiii, I am a beginner in python programming, how do you calculate the value of the one2many field? I have tried various kinds of references but still not resolved. The TransientModel hello everyone i have 2 many2many fields same object and give me same value (sale order of res. Apr 12, 2022 · Hope you are well today wherever you are :) I have one function that makes it possible to retrieve a certain fields from other models, which is using self. _name = 'your. rec =[ line. So you won't be able to query results using that field with sql. Tồn kho; Sản xuất; PLM; Mua hàng; Bảo trì; Chất lượng; Nhân sự The one2many is a computed field already, so i am trying to use inverse to add new lines into this field. I have a wizard with one2many field. task. A button is associated and on clicking the button I am using write method to add values into Sep 23, 2018 · I just need to insert into a table the results of a search into a one2many field. a file). thank you. line', 'invoice_id', string='Invoice Lines') Using this field we can add multiple products in the invoice. Model): Hi, I'm new on odoo and i'm trying to make a relation between 2 fields and show the result on my module. When i create the sale order, i want the sale order section to be created too, with the same number i have put in the view. hi sir, this is my code in PY for button: (This button is belong to the class of "account. My problem is I need to create records in a one2many relation, on the many side when I work on a record on the one side. write(). Because rec. so lets say you had family_name + family_date_of_birth, and you modify one of those, it won't show up on the log because it only shows when a record gets linked to the employee himself. One2many( [odoo 8 ] : How to update value of one2many field with at second level by using create and write method using API? Solved Oct 15, 2014 · I've extended the 'account. In product migration, one field which is one2many (Suppliers) write using xmlrpc script. partner now i want when i click save button i want same value in sale_orders what can i do? thank you in advance I have two one2many fields and every field in the separate view , I need when i fill data in the first one2many field click on button to take the data from one2many in view A and fill it in the second one2many in view B Apr 27, 2021 · I tried to update One2many field with the following function called in pos. ids)]}) There is also a neat solution where you can instead declare the product_id as a related field in your 'ia. Model): flag_childs = fields. Here is the example of the One2many field. To write categ_id, you just need to provide the category ID to the write method. id}), but when working on that record the rec. browse(vals['property_id']) _users = self. @Ravi, your answer kinda did something but not the thing that it should do. I have customized a form for employee benfits. In my product I have a tab for attributes. e when i select many2one field that value should pass in multiple one2many lines. env['res. You will directly update the values using the 'write' method, returning 'value' will not work. local' has also a search_result field which is also of type one2many, you would do this the following: opportunity_id = opportunity. Please let me know. line', 'subscription_id') To update a One2many field in the create method of an Odoo model, you can modify the record's One2many field values using the write method. property']. Model): _inherit = 'product Add tracking for many2many and one2many field in odoo16 is here: from odoo import fields, Command. Hi Anirudh Lou, Wrong syntax followed, Here is the solution : (Add Many2one field in both the relational model which is being used as one2many . it only shows the record if it was updated. new. That means the datatype of both the values that you are tyring to compare is different. category*/. But i cant understand How to create a one2many field for my requirement. users', 'Staff User'), ('res. Method for write One2many field :- if product['seller_ids']: seller_list = [] for seller in product['seller_ids']: source_user1 = source_sock. *Thanks in advance*. Jul 20, 2023 · In Odoo, the one2many field is used to represent a one-to-many relationship between two models. @api. dent" _description = "Vans Dent" _rec_name = 'service' _description = "Vals Dent" _columns = { 'year': fields Aug 27, 2020 · My onchange triggering field is not one2many or many2many field,It is a many2one field,After selecting the many2one field it triggers the onchange method and i need to update the many2many field after that. . How to add one2many field in odoo. 1) Should I create the third table by code dynamically (if so, how?) or I can go to "pgAdmin III" (postgreSQL management) and create by hand? Odoo Experience on YouTube. Many2one(comodel_name='res. The form will then only show the pickings which have the Sale Order that the user selected as Origin. Hi Kabeer, You cannot able to use track_visibility for one2many field, instead of you can use message_post method. May 29, 2013 · Friends, Need to remove this option from pop up manyone fields. employee. It probably does trigger but since you have a One2many field you need to use the special syntax to update it: self. Unlike create method which return a object that i can access to get data. basket record, for example, after creating the record all fields will have the same values, which is not the behavior I expect. depends('child_ids') def _compute_flag_childs(self): When assigning different subscription. That page will show a table with the children of the employee. I used One2many field o put the tree view of model 3 in form view of model 1 and 2. Every partner I'm trying to overide write. My button function is being called but it closes the wizard without doing anything. line model because of problem of not saving the field 'tax_ids_after_fiscal_position' Here is my code : class Hello All, I've asked this Question again, because i was not able to EDIT my question. teacher', 'course_id', string='Teacher') def get_teachers (self): lesson = self. if the type is a many2one field then you will get the id instead of name, if selection then check the values. After adding multiple products how to segregate those products from this field, so that i will get product ids. Working of editable bottom and editable top in odoo one2many I want a grid in my form. I created a new field in /*res. The below is my code for write field. Nov 27, 2015 · With version odoo 10. Blog: Fields and Parameters in Odoo Odoo supports several fields for better data handling with specific options for each type. Updating the one2many and many2many fields have some rules, we need to add some flags for such operations. – To create One2Many Fields in Odoo, First you need to Define the Main Model Class and also the Co-Model Class. So you can update the relation field by False to unlink association. How can i do this using the button click function? Please help me. One2many('subscription. code. Jul 28, 2020 · It should return a list of dicts, the categ_id field value is a list of two values, the first is the id of the category and the second is the name of the category. Code: @api. How to pass value of many2one field in multiple one2many lines in odoo 9. line's to legumes fields to a subscription. env['estate. When I try to iterate through the second One2many field from the compute method it only lists records that have just been added. partner. i added 2 fields to get the 2 years and and method to get the range between them Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. g. The first element is an integer number ranging from 0 to 6. def Create_One2many_method(self): search_var = self. territory', string='Partner\'s territory', required=True) With the 'Create' option, a new shipping address (partner) is created without respecting the 'required=True' of my new field. It s well created but i want to correct my function why it desnt work would you please help :/ Hello guys! I really have problem with domain for one2many field. env[]. serach([('order_id','=', order_id)]). partner I want to display the values in list into my one2many field. how to avoid this condition* *Below attached my code its not showing alert. name' Moreover, the contents revolve around the declarations and properties of the One2many fields in Odoo providing an in-depth knowledge on the same. I guess it's simple once you figure it out. id To define a domain in a One2many field you must write it in the python file and the code goes without quotes: Example: 'job_ids': fields. su', 'name') thamc Hello all, My Issue fix after apply this one First, can you share why you want to use the field of TransientModel and if you want to use the field you need to change the class from class sales_test_wizard(models. supplierinfo', 'read', seller, ['name']) dest_user = destination Hi, I have created a One2Many table on Quotations to display information of different cargo companies, such as their price and delivery date: class SaleOrder(models. create({'parent_id': rec. but after saving this record it will not shows warning it saved. For example, if we want to access the values of order_line(one2many) in the create method of Sale Order then we can write the super method like this: I am trying to write values in one2many field. new' has a computed field with a @api. A button is associated and on clicking the button I am using write method to add values into one2many field. Relational fields are used to link the data from one model to another model and also they act as a bridge between two different models. id)]) for timesheet_id in timesheet_ids *Hi all,* *How to check if my one2many field have no value* *. We've got this working on a list view such that the view gets refreshed each time a record was dragged up/down hence, the new values gets reflected. The partner is created and the field partner_territory stays empty. Parameters. write({ 'property_ids': _property }) additional input: i have tried this code as i have Hello I have tried & its quite frustrating that iam not able to assign access rights to my customized module. However you can manage One2many as well, this is bi-directional, so you need to manage either many2one or one2many. I've checked that if I select *rplc* in the advanced search, it's filtering by the name or _rec_name of the records of /*res. predecessor', 'task_id', 'Links' ,copy=True) I've tried every thing I could find on this forum, but I just don't get how to use the commands bellow. (0, 0, { values }) link to a new record that needs to be created with the given values dictionary i wanted to append data to the one2many field but this implementation i am using only replaces the value and it is not what i needed _property = self. Usually we can add any number of values to a one2many field. py* class vansdent(osv. May 16, 2018 · I am trying to write values in one2many field. id] but should be res[record. (0, 0, { values }) link to a new record that needs to be created with the given values dictionary class ModelX(models. addons. Hey Abhijith, Its mandatory to link relation if you want to link your product etc. when I save a record I make product_id a one2many field require =True. How to add one2many field in Odoo. Oct 25, 2023 · To create a One2many field, you need to specify the following attributes: — comodel_name: The name of the target model with which the relationship is established. In the res. Normally I just used rec. Hi, To Write the vale to many2one field from front end to back end, you will get the name of the student in the controller, then you have to create a record in the res. If you want to find your subscription lines per subscription, you could actually use the search function to return a list of ids, then browse, or read using the list of ids that are returned from the search function. There are three types of relational fields in Odoo, Many2one, One2many, and Many2many. I want to display the records. thank you for the answer sir, i update my question. id will give you the ID of the o2m field which is wrong. journal_id = fields. id]. order. write({'order_line': [(5, 0, 0)], 'validity_date': ''}) Here in the above code, order_line is the One2many field and validity_date is the date field. The operator answers within a few minutes. It allows you to create multiple related records in a target model from a source model. I should be able to define it to any number. It gives the feeling that "type" of both operands i. Integer [source] ¶ Encapsulates an int. so please help me to find a solution. (4, id, _) adds an existing record of id id to the set. Every partner Dec 21, 2019 · I don't know how to put it but here's what i want, i want to show the fields of a custom. I have big problem to insert any value in this table like this for example: I want to add a existing attribute_id and the values_ids inside a product like in this image: I tried a lot of stuff and it's very difficult to insert data from the code. type and you have the correct value "t". Example : qty_delivered field of sale. class1" def _get_cur_subline_ids(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context): { //i need my current active class_line id here !!! print context //expecting to get model_line_id in the context but cannot } def _srch_subline(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context):: { //i need my current active class Hi, I build a model, using a Reference field: class Example(models. For example, the many2many relation holds the ids 1,2,3. Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. write({'app_configuration_ids': [(6, 0, self. search([('partner_id', '=', vals['partner_id'])]) for user in _users: user. partner model and also in view (code for both below), now I wants to add One2Many field which should appear in contacts view as editable tree. Hello guys! I really have problem with domain for one2many field. app_property_ids. I want to read the one2many field in write method. I just want to display values in location_ids into my one2many field in hr. partner and then you have to pass this value of newly created record to the field. One2many('lich. (many2one/many2many/one2many) to relevant model, Here you have to check in your outside data with odoo's product (many2one) ,whether its exist or not,if not then create product and link that id (many2one) to here. I created a TransientModel in which a user can pick a Sale Order and the wizard should return a form with a filtered one2many field. Hello all, I am trying to perform a filter/search through a wizard for a One2manyfield. Html [source] ¶ Encapsulates an Hello, Michael. You just need to create the values to the one2many field. this is my code: parking_log_ids=fields. what I want is to calculate the value in o2m(parking_log_ids) that is field 'total_rate' to 'total_bill_id'. Here my code is Python file from openerp import models ,fields,api from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID from dateutil. model. To get first line. relativedelta import relativedelta import openerp. class HROvertime(osv. 1. So I am planning to use one2many field for the grid. decimal_precision as dpimport math import logging import datetime class extend_product_product(models. Model): _name= 'service. you should replace Hello, I want to add a new employee_children module that inherits the hr_employee module, which add new tab in the existing form. If it is in CSV you should first import the parent model records. line Sep 7, 2021 · To check this for more understanding, see the following values we use to write to a One2many or Many2many field. payment. vacas. Hello Yognandam, You can access the values for the one2many field after the super call of the create method. After that, link both model using fields. (not in all fields. app_configuration_template_ids. Iam inheriting stock. Add odoo one2many Hi, Just change the paramater ondelete="set null" to ondelete="cascade" in your field declaration on purchase. Example: If your class 'ip. dont want to create or write. I'm having problem on overriding create method. Model): In this video, we are discussing, How to define an One2many field and its use cases in odoo development. Model): _name='parking_log' _rec_name='vehicle_id' vehicle_id=fields. In the view *view_partner_property_form *(see below) the field *line_business_ids* of the partner should only offer the values available in the field *line_of_business_ids* of his own and only company_id. Hi Guyz, simply we can call @api. lead' , 'Service Hello, What I want to do is show filtered One2many fields using tree view. py with one2many field: lstd_baohiem = fields. child_ids. info' service_ids=fields. How to load default values for one2many fields in odoo. Use the live chat to ask your questions. product model in the tree view of a one2many field my code is as follows class CustomSale(models. qiflu vswo zxwqajivh wzqv jqtoexx jncz azie reumqo hjjft mlbhpni