• 13dp5dt beta low. I'm still a 1-2 on the weeks estimator.

    It’s still very early (4W) but I have had 2 previous Hi ladies. Sep 10, 2018 · 11dp5dt-48. We are currently in the thick of our second FET of a Day 5 5AA euploid. So my beta were as follows:I transferred 2 embryos - one was day 5 and other was day 610dp5dt - 5!!!13dp5dt - 1515dp5dt - 35So I know this is crazy crazy low! The nurse told me they are supposed to tell to continue progesterone but it is up to me. I now understand why it’s called Beta Hell. 13dp5dt: Second beta/ HCG test is 37 – total surprise at the rise. My question is should I be concerned?? If you have experienced this, please share your success stories! TIA! 🫶🏼 Confusing beta pattern after 2nd FET Pls advice. My doctor advised me to stop meds after my second test because my numbers didn’t rise enough - they were looking for a minimum of 53% in 48 hours, and mine only went up 48%. I had my first beta today at 13dp5dt (equivilant to 18dpo) and the result was 493. I’m trying to focus on the positive that I’m pregnant. any positive stories at all will help… 1st beta: 13dp5dt: 28 2nd beta 14dp5dt: 58 3rd beta 17dp5dt: 259 4th beta 20dp5dt: 500 Can anyone help me make sense of this? Feeling so helpless and just tired. I think your number looks great, and your second beta looks even better! High hcg levels are associated with multiples, but some just have higher hcg levels than others and just have a healthy singleton. 5, second beta on 10dp5dt was 7. I was very concerned about the low numbers but they did nearly double and my RE said it was fine. Everything is perfect, heartrate is strong Low beta hell is the worst. My beta was pretty low at 20 on 9dp5dt. 5 hours later 13dp5dt - 162 47 hours later 15dp5dt - 316 Has anyone had low and slow… Apr 1, 2019 · With my first FET my beta at 10dp5dt was 29. I've seen lots of others 800 and above. DearPrudence2015. I'm still a 1-2 on the weeks estimator. Aug 25, 2024 at 5:40 AM. 13dp5dt-91. It came back 1123!! I'm so excited and hoping this baby continues to stick. 21dp5dt - 1334 Low HCG Beta 13dp5dt . Does this seem like it will be viable? Please be honest, I’m prepared for the worst. However, I started… So sorry you are going through this, I have been there! My day 9 beta (FET 5AB) was 11. I’m really hoping this doesn’t turn into a twin pregnancy. l. My BETAs have been low but doubling appropriately. Reply reply Jul 28, 2014 · Beta #1 13dp5dt BFP!! 800. I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to fix on the number. 3 11dp5dt - 43. Clinic seem pleased with them as above 25, I’m retesting on Monday to check for doubling 🤞🏻But I’m just so Hi All- I tried google before here but figured that you have been through many different circumstances and may be able to answer my question better… Jun 19, 2023 · I received a beta of 90 at 11dp5dt for a FET hatching 5AB embryo. 8. I am just looking for any women who have positive stories to share that started low and went on to have success. My RE wants to do an ultrasound tomorrow to ensure it's not an ectopic pregnancy (due to lower beta #). 5 hours later. So I probably would've been about where you are at 9 days if doubling in 48 hrs. Looking for success stories…so had my first I just got my first beta and it’s 3519. Everyone else’s betas are in the thousands. Aug 15, 2020 · Hi ladies, so I got my BFP from this round (FET) but my HCG levels are really low at 75 😔. I don’t know when your wife’s next beta is, but I was at 1,171 at 16dp5dt. I know this is a less common outcome, but wanted to offer some hope: My 9dp5dt beta was 27, 11dp5dt was 38, then started doubling from there and I’m 25 weeks now. I’ve been taking home pregnancy tests since 4dp5dt so I pretty much knew but it feels so great hearing the official numbers. I am currently almost 27w. Did a FET with embrio 5 days. So me and my husband did IVF due to MF. Unfortunately I started bleeding 15dp5dt, even without stopping my meds. My first beta was 119 at 11dp5dt. 75. 12 at 11dp5dt and 26 at 13dp5dt. I completely understand how you feel. May 2, 2016 · I am so sorry you are going through this. 21dp5dt - 1334 13dp5dt - 256 (doubling time ~29 hours) 15dp5dt - 721 (doubling time ~32 hours) I’m SO fixated on the first beta being so low that I’m scared this will end up as a miscarriage of some sorts. My clinic likes a starting beta at 9dp to be over 50, so if it doubles every 48 hours then it would be 200 at 13dp5dt. I think 42 or so. I'm freaking out😣 I want this baby to grow so badlyis 71. I would still check hcg levels for your upcoming transvaginal ultrasounds to be on the safe side. I am worried it indicates a problem such as a Pregnant “low” beta . 15dp5dt - 316. Her first transfer failed to implant. Hi Do you think beta hcg 824 for 13dp5dt is a good number? Or low? I’ve heard a lot of women got more than 1000 at this stage. My 14dp5dt result came back at 211. Hi ladies. 13dp5dt - 570 (36 hour doubling time) 19dp5dt - 1773 (88 hour doubling time) 21dp5dt - 2904 (65 hour doubling time) On the day of the 19dp5dt beta (5w3d), the u/s showed one gestational sac and yolk sac measuring approx. First Beta hcg @ 11dp5dt a little low So I’m currently 11dp5dt and I got a call from my RE to tell me that my first Beta HCG is 78. I completely spiraled and was sure everything was going to go terribly. I doubled normally until they stopped measuring HCG. Seems lower than some I have seen but it has doubled since my first beta at 8dp5dt which was 44. How can this be? My lines looked so much better than previously. the low beta and slow progression indicates that something is wrong and there is a high risk for miscarriage and continuing the meds Feb 16, 2016 · My first beta at 11 or 12 days after a 5 day transfer was 119, about where you were at 12 days. All frozen embryos are graded (4AB). Anecdotally, things have gone well for me- follow up beta on 12dp5dt was 238, and I’m now 19w. This seems ok, my first beta was at 13dp5dt and it was 137, my second beta was today and it was 618 which is on track for what they’re looking for and I’m 17dp5dt. Feb 21, 2020 · I also tested at home on 10dp5dt and got s faint line even lighter than yours. My HCG blood level was 797. It’s such a frustrating place to be because there is so much uncertainty and you can’t really move on in any clear way yet. I was very pleasantly surprised to get my results today. Waiting for my clinic to call Mar 29, 2019 · So my beta yesterday 13dp5dt was only 88 :( the nurse said to be cautiously optimistic but I don’t think that’s high enough. It’s just a brutal waiting period. My nurse has warned me I might lose this baby. Dec 18, 2023 · 11dp7dt - 1st beta - 33 . Mar 25, 2008 · 1st beta June 10th 9dp5dt 119 2nd beta June 12 th 11dp5dt 182 3rd beta June 16th 15dp5dt 786 6-30 1st us showed TWINS Hearts4me First surrogacy: Did a FET using my natural cycle. I had been testing with frer and the line was getting progressively darker so I was expecting a higher HCG level. Is there anyone with a successful story or did it end in a chemical pregnancy. She did also say she’s seen as low as 40 on this day still be successful. My beta was 354 at 13dp5dt and the nurse I talked to on the phone told me it was low. Im very realistic and I know these are LOW. My nurse said its a good number but I can't help comparing. My clinic was satisfied with the numbers as they were doubling, and I'm currently anxiously waiting on a scan at 7 weeks 1 day (only 8 days away!). @1967les, 9dp5dt- 593. &nbsp;I was told to stop all meds and next beta is Friday. I totally identify with this. With Wednesday being he 4th of July I go back for a repeat beta on Thursday. Congrats!! 😊 Mar 27, 2015 · Just went through FET #2 and the 14dp5dt beta was 45. i’m 13w3d as of today. I am so sorry, with 44 on 13dp5dt, the chance of TW: Positive beta Went to my clinic this morning for my first beta. I spent the following weekend digging into any data I could find about beta levels after IVF and I did find this study that looked at 12dpt levels and found a cut off value of 86. Is this low? Feb 18, 2020 · All it takes is a beta of 25 for a pregnancy. Still keeping my fingers and toes crossed but am now 10w4d and everything seems great so far. My first transfer was in November and I was pregnant as well and 10DP5Dt was 83, 13dp5dt was 386 and 15dp5dt it dropped to 352. TRIGGER WARNING I went for my first hCG Beta yesterday (6/19/23) and it came back at 44. It has doubled but still extremely low. My clinic wanted to see at least 50, so I was really terrified. For reference (these are both singletons): My first beta with my m/c: 331 at 15dpo . My betas were 11. Don’t know why your clinic has you suffering like this. 3I got prescribed 100mg of oral progesterone on my first draw but want to ask for a higher dosage. TW My first beta was 29 at 9dp5dt. After 2 days, it was around 3800 and nurse told me since increase is as expected, it may be a normal pregnancy. 8 back in the beginning of August. Sep 30, 2021 · So I just got my second beta results: 11dp5dt- 21. Hubby is trying to remain positive. 10dp5dt beta was 57 and 12dp5dt was 111. Buying an at-home pregnancy test. 1 (79% rise) Going for another beta and an ultrasound on Monday (5+1). It A low hCG level could mean the embryo has a slower implantation process. I’m praying all goes well. We weren’t optimistic about it, but the doctor was super enthusiastic and IMO filled my wife with a lot of false hope and didn’t properly temper her expectations. Comment. Hi Ladies, I just got beta #1 back from our March FET, it was a very nice 1351 , @13dp5dt. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. My beta was 48 on 9dp5dt. I’d definitely stay on meds. third beta jumped enough but nothing mind blowing. My hcg was rising at appropriate rates and they checked again at 13dp5dt and 15dp5dt. The 16dp5dt was 86, drawn around 46 hours later. I had my first beta today at 13dp5dt (equivilant to 18dpo) and the result… Feb 26, 2023 · I’m currently 15dp5dt and I’m in beta hell. It ended up a chemical. &nbsp;I am still hopeful and would like to know if there are any success stories out there. Has anyone had success with a beta that stopped doubling?/slow rise beta? I’m trying to accept the loss, but can’t help but wondering if there is any hope left? 10dp5dt - 61 13dp5dt - 210 (72 hrs apart, 128% rise) 9dp5dt is 4 weeks pregnant, so 13dp5dt would be 4 weeks 4 days pregnant. 13dp5dt - 162. 2/27/10 - Another confirmed ectopic. I'm concerned that this is a bit too low as betabase has the median for 11dpt at almost 300. It’s been 5 years of infertility treatments and losses. 4 - but my progesterone is only 27. 52. My first beta with this pg: 23. Wishing all the best for you!. I found these progression posts super helpful so also sharing mine. The number only came back at 241 doesn’t that 11dp5dt beta @ 58 13dp5dt beta @ 162! I also had a hard time finding success stories. The nurses and doctor said that was a good number and the second beta was scheduled for 13dp5dt, at which point they told me my number was 279 and in the 4 days in between my numbers did not quadruple, which is slightly concerning. Skylark717. I turn complex medical jargon into easy-to-digest content that is researched-backed and engaging. 2 shots of methotrexate after an ER visit. My fairly in depth research after my first beta showed that it really could go either way. This past Tuesday was 21dp5dt and my first ultrasound; they saw the sac but my beta was only 158. finding for this stage of things was anywhere from the high 200's to the low 400 (Beta 19 Prog 13) -Ectopic Pg - (Beta 27, 67, 430, 850) - methotrexate shot & biopsy -Forced 3 month Break 1/4/10 - Uterine septum removed by Hysteroscopy 1/18/10 - Told I have inflammation in uterus. 11dp5dt - 101. Doc has me going in for a third beta on Monday which will be 13dp5dt. This is the line progression for our gestational carrier. I would love to hear success stories. It seems a little low. But it’s more than providing information. Aug 4, 2023 · Hi friends, 13dp5dt today! My HCG has been as follows:&nbsp;9dpt- 1911dpt- 2613dpt (today!)- 52!! Doubled exactly!I have been crying for days. My levels were all on the low side, but doubling appropriately which seems to be their biggest concern. Hi girls, I apologise if this message shouldn't be posted here as it's pregnancy-related, I had HCG of 50 at 9dp5dt, and 310 at 13dp5dt. Really want to know which way this is going. Apr 11, 2016 · 13dp5dt low beta (162) l. Omg my clinic just called me with this morning’s beta result: 849!!!! They said it’s a really good number given I’m only 4 weeks + 4 😍I’m at work, had to run to the toilet and cry tears of relief. 😊 there’s a ton of stories like mine if you do a search of this sub and some of the other pregnancy related subs. Posted 03-19-20. 20dp5dt- 1600 something. I am 18w now and everything has been good so far. I'm looking for any success stories with slow rising betas. With my daughter they were 116 at 9dp5dt, and 212 at 11dp5dt. I’m going back in tomorrow for a repeat beta but because it’s a Saturday, results won’t be in until Monday. I’ve been getting BFPs since 4dp5dt so I was excited to have my beta today at 13dp5dt (18dpo). I am so upset about all of this. Feeling very worried and looking for success stories. breeannastreich. Pretty sure implantation was on day 6 post transfer as I got a first VVFL on an FRER on day 7. 8 for ongoing clinical pregnancy vs chemical. I haven’t tested again since yesterday, but considering testing over the next 3 days waiting for another beta. 7 at 10dp5dt**Obviously my beta was super low but I ended up giving birth to a healthy baby girl last week. actually called me stating my level at 10dp5dt was 285! Beta #2 this AM. I'm pretty down about it because I've had a chemical and have miscarried in the past and the HCG levels were low with the chemical and started low with the Went in for my beta today and got the call back that it was positive but a little low at 44. An ultrasound is scheduled for 8/26 so I guess all my questions will be answered then but curious if anyone else can share their experience regarding low and slow rising numbers. This limbo was hell on earth for me, I was convinced it was a chemical. They told me to prepare to miscarry and I’m going through that now (basically at 6 weeks). Original poster's comments (4) 0. Today at 13DP5DT it was 215! I know it doubled and looks okay but my clinic is worried it’s a little to low still. 1st beta - 9dp5dt : 69. My HCG levels were low (53 at 10dp5dt, 236 at 13dp5dt, and 457 at 15dp5dt). The doubling is more important than the number itself, and even that is a range. danizel. I bet you if you have your hcg tested you will be surprised what a big number you have. My beta at 13dp5dt was WAY lower (below 200) and I am 14 weeks now. At this point my nurse said everything was trending in the right direction and that she'd see me for my 6 week ultrasound, which is scheduled for 6+3. 13dp5dt - 49. 18dp5dt- 959. 14dpt: 1021. I go back on 13dp5dt for another beta. I did my first beta on June 3rd9dp5dt beta #1-2811dp5dt beta #2-4913dp5dt beta #3-107So the doctor says there's no need to do another beta Not sure if Low Beta 13dp5dt . 47 hours later. . May 24, 2018 · Very low Beta - 11dp5dt - success stories PLEASE. Around 4 weeks gestation I was close to 1300 on 13dp5dt. Crypto Posted by u/Interesting-Sink-286 - 6 votes and 4 comments Jan 3, 2023 · I'm trying to be level headed, but feeling pretty nervous. I got told to prepare for the worst. I’m currently 15dp5dt and I’m in beta hell. May 2, 2016 · Hi there. I feel gutted because I have lost 4 pg naturally that started off low hcg. That low and slow beta is now my healthy 8 Quite low for 13dp5dt. Definitely check out betabase (google it and it will come out) for singleton and multiple beta averages. Nurse said my number is 635, which is (and I quote her): "Good but on the low side". The tests always turned positive within seconds (I added Just got the call from my clinic that my beta blood test today came back at 918. 47. They want the numbers to double every 72 hours, but I think 48-96 hours is normal. This number seems really low compared to what I see out there! I’m especially worried because my daughter’s hcg was over 600 at 13dp fresh transfer. 4th beta - 16dp5dt: 411 Jul 8, 2024 · My hcg was 355 today at 13dp5dt. This time however my 15dp5dt beta was 477. When I had my second beta results, they were concerned because my estrogen had dropped from 1500 to 700ish, and my progesterone from 40 to 18. They wanted my first beta closer to 100. 8dpt: 104. I will post results as soon as I I had my beta last Monday, was 83. However, my betas tripled: 102 at 11dp5dt and 300 at 13dp5dt. Feb 21, 2022 · 2nd beta came back from 13dp5dt at 511 Low Beta 11dp5dt…Success stories willing to share? July 09, 2024 | by SS36. Jul 8, 2024 · My hcg was 355 today at 13dp5dt. This has got me really really nervous now!! I read up on hCG levels on 10+ websites and all they keep telling me is that there is a wide range of acceptable numbers. With my second FET at 9dp5dt my beta was also 29. After that it more than doubled every two days and now my wife is about 6 months pregnant. 6. Beta set for 5/21. Anyone have any positive stories of hope they can share? 🙏🏻 Initial beta was 69 at 9dp5dt and was 330 at 13dp5dt, so a reasonably low start but doubling appropriately. She also said lots of women go on to have normal pregnancies with low progesterone. She remained optimistic despite everything, and our second beta was yesterday. What makes everything more difficult is that I can't repeat betas in 48h (Saturday) because I'm off to visit my family this weekend, and my clinic wants that I do beta always in the same laboratory. 5 weeks pregnant now Oct 20, 2015 · Extremely high Beta HCG 13dp5dt and very worried - posted in Ask the RE: On October 6, I had a transfer of a single 5-day blastocyst rated 5BA. What do u think? I… 4 days ago · I was excited to see that it more than doubled in 72 hours. But then I talked to another nurse and she told me it was totally within range. I went back in on 11dp5dt at 43. Still an early success and very much not out of the woods yet, but my first beta at 8dp5dt was 4. My RE was happy and I didn't have another beta. I have another appointment on Monday for a second beta. :) S. The most important part is seeing the next number I had my first beta at 13dp5dt, it was 288 which I thought was very low. 8 too low for hope? Beta 1 (11DP5DT): HCG 375 Progesterone 17 Beta 2 (13DP5DT): HCG 885 Progesterone 14 My clinic likes to see 15+ so they want me to up my dosage from 1ml to 1. I don't think my Dr. But my beta continued to double and I'm 26 weeks now. Anybody else with a high value at the same GA? UPDATE betas: Here were my betas over time: 9dp5dt: 9 11dp5dt: 30 13dp5dt: 90 16dp5dt: 398 21dp5dt: 1200 26dp5dt: 4000 Last Friday we went in for an US at 5w4d to try and determine location as HCG kept rising and saw a gestational sac and yolk sac Sep 1, 2011 · Natural FET 5/26/12 2 blasts Beta 1 207 Beta 2 513 Beta 3 1377 U/S 6/28 Pregnancy not viable d & c scheduled IVF/ICSI/PESA #2 ER 11/15/12 Nothing to transfer IVF/ICSI #3 April 2013 MDLF 3dt of 3 embryos, chemical Mar 23, 2018 · 06/12 beta # 1 - 8 Progesterone 7. I wish I could be more help. Hi All, This is my first FET, second IVF cycle. I'm 18dp5dt. Aug 6, 2024 · 13dp5dt 234. Posted by u/71718282 - 4 votes and 13 comments Business, Economics, and Finance. I was VERY cautious even though my care team was optimistic. I'm 11dp5dt and had my betas done today. B. Need info! Tw positive test We have been neurotically checking lines for days… and they look like they have been progressing. Then it was 299 at 13dp5dt. I hate the number 29 lol however with that second FET by 13dp5dt it was 220 and kept doubling perfectly. I was completely convinced my pregnancy was over. They said they like to see above 40 at this point (13dp5dt) The nurse said this can mean possible ectopic or impending miscarriage. I think 57 at 10dp5dt is fine if it doubles at 12dp5dt! Reply I had a low beta 23, 97 206 Jul 31, 2024 · Just grasping on hope and straws here. Apr 14, 2022 · Is 700 beta level considered low for an IVF FET level? Thank you. Everything else in my pregnancy has been normal so far. I'm now 8wks and have seen baby twice on ultrasound. These were done at 9,11, and 13dp5dt. I think it really depends on each specific person, when implantation occurred, and so many other things. I think the rate of rise is what counts more so than the initial number, and i think your second number is fantastic, although starting off low definitely puts you in the risk zone. May 23, 2012 · We transferred one perfectly graded (4AA) 5-day blast on May 8 and were able to freeze 4 embryos. 4. My clinic never tested me again even though I fell into the “low beta” category and I just made it to 12 weeks I had my first beta today and yay I’m pregnant. See all replies (1) s. Report as Inappropriate. My doctor told me there's a 6% chance of live birth with HCG starting at 12. But two days later it was 386 at 15dp5dt. I’m in the same sort of boat. Her tests have I have already accepted in my head that our second FET has failed and is another chemical. I get my second intralipid infusion Jan 27, 2015 · I finally got my BFP on my second round of IVF!! Yay!! I had my Beta yesterday and waited ALL day long till 4:15pm (torture, yes even though I had + hpt's) and my Dr. saddieladyinthehouse Original Poster. 9dp5dt my beta was 36, 11dp5dt it was 68, and 13dp5dt was 162. The level was 2,442! I am very worried that this is far too high. Then on 11dp5dt my beta was 1000! You should get a blood test. 14dp7dt - 2nd beta - 56 . Am I going crazy? Apr 3, 2023 · This time my initial beta at 9DP5DT was 63. My betas are super low but doubling - 12, 23, 48 at 9, 11 and 13dp5dt. Today 19dp5dt was my first ultrasound and doctor said that is a small sac but at this point he said this must be bigger. Unfortunately mine result in an ectopic pregnancy but whilst I was going through heaps and heaps of blood tests and scans every nurse, doctor and consultant told me that it doesn't matter hugely on how high the number is but if it doubles in the correct time frame which mine wasn't. That was rough! I had an FET of two PGS blasts and my numbers were 21 9dp5dt, 30 11dp5dt, 57 13dp5dt and 121 15dp5dt. Oct 13, 2009 · Is 13dp5dt like 13dpo? My 13dpo hcg level was 243, which is in the higher range of normal. The 13dp5dt was 385 and I’m keeping fingers crossed for the US on May 15. Posted 11-04-16. Looking for feedback. Low HCG after Beta . 11dp5dt beta #2-49. As long as it’s rising appropriately, which yours is, you are in the clear! Every pregnancy is different. Now it's pretty obvious to me this isn't going to be a viable pregnancy. 😫 Update: 10dp5dt beta 61 hcg 13dp5dt beta 210 hcg What does a low beta hCG mean? Even though the data of outcomes from low beta hCG levels looks scary, remember that there are many normal, healthy pregnancies that start out with a low beta hCG. I first started getting a very very faint positive at 4dp5dt, but only around 7dp5dt it was a real, undeniable BFN. Lat1085. My doc was happy enough with my result doubling he didn’t do a 3rd beta, so I’m waiting until Wednesday for my ultrasound. I had a chemical in March where the line was barely visible at all on 12dp5dt and the Beta for that was 45. My beta #1 was 190 which was 72 hours ago on Monday. 🤞🏼 I was worried about my numbers too, but there are some success stories from lower 4 days ago · I was excited to see that it more than doubled in 72 hours. Then on 13dp5dt it was 170, which freaked me out because it was a 59 hour doubling time. What do u think? I… Jul 31, 2024 · Just grasping on hope and straws here. 13dp5dt beta #3-107. This level is literally off all the charts I have seen. I had low beta on my last cycle (#1 was 10, #2 was 10, #3 was 9, #4 was <2) so all I can say is that Apr 7, 2017 · I just went in today, 10dp6dt of a pgs tested blast, and my beta was at 40. 9dp5dt 37, 11dp5dt 92, 13dp5dt 247. I get my second intralipid infusion If your HCG is doubling every 48 hours, that’s a good sign. Aug 17, 2015 · Mine was 181 @ 9dp5dt and 1045 @ 13dp5dt. 5,887 views Posts about low hcg levels written by mum100blog. My first beta HCG blood test was this Monday, October 19, 13 days post transfer. My beta at 11dp3dt was 92, however at 18dp3dt (5 weeks) by beta was only 300, so low and not doubling. @1967les, Doubling beta HCG but low, opinions? Educated Jun 9, 2014 · 9dp5dt beta #1-28. Had a chemical before and beta never doubled like this, stayed at 30 then dropped. My first three betas were 36, 68 and 162. So, what a roller coaster. 3rd beta - 13dp5dt: 136. The first time we saw the positive test and reactions to our first BETA blood pregnancy tests! 9 months ago. I’m now waiting until our 6 week ultrasound (next week), but hoping for the best. I think your number is fine! I started out with low betas that doubled appropriately. I'm having sever anxiety. So 5w2d pregnant. Hi girls, So we had our first beta today (13dp5dt of a frozen embryo) and it has come back as positive but very Posted by u/areilly10519 - 3 votes and 11 comments It tripled by 13dp5dt but I miscarried at 5+2. Any low number success… Sep 29, 2021 · After another promising test today (13dp5dt) I finally received my Beta result from 11dp5dt (middle test on the picture) and shocked to find out it was only 21. First beta for us (10dp5dt) was also pretty low. is asking me to go in for another beta but if so it would be on Thursday for 14dp5dt and if so, I'll update since that's the date you're asking for :) I had a 9dp5dt beta of 81 and freaked out. It feels like an eternity Feb 15, 2021 · So 13dp5dt my beta was 4747 and 17dp5dt it was 14,675. So it’s hard not to get May 13, 2012 · 13dp5dt - Beta Day I began to get very nervous about my appointment this morning. 11dpt: 298. 26 at 13dp5dt, and went to 199 at 15dpt. My RE was thrilled with this but me, not so much. just need some encouragement. 4th beta - 16dp5dt: 411 Confirmed Pregnancy 9/18/2010 M/C 10/27/2010 BLIGHTED OVUM 10/2011 - HSG 2 blocked tubes 11/4/2011 - Lap Surgery - Extensive tubal disease (tubes opened) 1/3/12 - Repeat HSG (L tube open, R tube blocked) 1/15/12 - R tube removed Started Stim Injections 2/17/12 Follistim 300iu and Low Dose HCG 10 units Trigger - 2/25/12 ER 2/27/12 ET - 5 dt - 3/3/12 1 blast transferred 9 frosties BETA #1 - 626 I had a relatively low first beta at 9dp5dt of 48. Breaking down health concepts or the latest research and making it accessible is table stakes. I go back Thursday to see if it doubled and then, go from there. 5w1d. 11dp5dt: 67 13dp5dt: 121 RE told me that all looked good since my beta was >100 and doubling. 24 days- we just saw a heartbeat . My second FET: 10dp5dt 512 and 12dp5dt 940. Lower than "Average" for each test but well within the range. I have 2 other children So I am not alone. My beta on 13dp5dt was around 1600 which made me think the same but I transferred PGT verified embryo. Feb 6, 2018 · Hi Do you think beta hcg 824 for 13dp5dt is a good number? Or low? I’ve heard a lot of women got more than 1000 at this stage. 6 weeks of antibiotics. We got a positive beta 9dp5dt, but my betas have been low and not rising at the rate you would expect in a viable pregnancy: 9dp5dt: 24 13dp5dt: 84 17dp5dt: 201 19dp5dt: scheduled in two days All cycles were fully medicated using the same protocol. 9 (11dp5dt), 18 (13dp5dt) and 28 (14dp5dt). My 12dpt beta ended up being 238 and I am now 30 weeks with a girl. 206/14 beta # 2 - 3406/17 beta #3 - 156 progesterone 8. Please God, let the numbers be good!Background: I had a fresh transfer two weeks ago, and my first beta at 10dp5dt was only 76. Aug 17, 2016 · My beta is 71. I go again Wednesday when I'll be 7+4 and hopefully things look good. 8 at 13dp5dt and the nurse was not optimistic/helpful on the phone. Does anyone have experience or Jun 9, 2014 · So I am new on here. But the beta was 39. But my first ultrasound is next week which will give me better idea, so keeping all fingers and toes crossed. Also having brown spotting the last 24 hours. I'm pretty anxious. The nurse says the “unviable” word. 11DP5DT- 37 13DP5DT- 79 13DP5DT- 164 13DP5DT- 439. Next test will be in 4 days. I was worried sick for weeks, totally not worth it. The result Jan 4, 2024 · I informed my clinic and they had me go in on 9dp5dt and checked my beta which came in at 111. Each draw was exactly 48hrs apart. Unfortunately the beta hell sucks so badly especially when you're having to continue meds and stuff without actually knowing. It's killing me because I want it to stick but I have not found success stories with numbers this low =( Jun 19, 2021 · Hello I had my first beta at 9dp5dt and they told me my hcg level was only a 25. First beta on 9dp5dt was 6. TW: positive beta discussion My beta on 11dpt was 113. Like. I've pretty much prepared for another loss. Basically we’re (expecting) to see the beta decrease to confirm CP. Need Good Juju! Update: 13dp5dt HCG dropped to 10, was told to stop all medication. This study is definitely not encouraging with the numbers at this stage. Checking betabase showed that our numbers were pretty much as low as it gets for a successful singleton. 11dp5dt - 101 47. I would guard your heart, though. 509 @ 13dp5dt. 1 day ago · 13dp5dt - line progression? b. They said they like to see it between 80-100 at this point in pregnancy, but they said 78. 5 and retest in a week. 5 and a scan at 5+5 showed yolk sac and the tiniest flicker of heartbeat. They’ve asked me to go back on Wednesday for another beta and she said ‘you never know’ but I’m pretty certain this isn’t going to end well 💔. I do not understand why this keeps happening. 8 (88% rise) 13dp5dt - 80. 2nd beta - 11dp5dt: 88. second beta was only 106 at 13dp5dt. Has anyone had low and slow rising betas and have any success stories to share? Edit** 18dp5dt - 642. This is my first ivf / fet and I did a 5 day blast transfer. Transferred 4 blasts w/PGD on 06/12 (3 girls 1 boy) 1st beta 11dp5dt - 166 2nd beta 13dp5dt - 375 3rd beta 15dp5dt - 919 TWINS!! Second surrogacy: Fresh donor transfer. My fresh cycle beta #1 was only 364 by comparison, taken @ the same 13dp5dt. lauranm. We did a 5 day transfer on May 25th with just one embryo. Try not to obsess too much with the hCG numbers. Betas must start somewhere. Got my beta hcg level today at 9dp5dt and it's 27. I was using pregmate tests since 5dp5dt, they showed super slow progression and were not darkening much. I am currently 19 weeks pregnant. I'm wondering if I should get another beta before then, just for peace of mind. All first morning urine. They are concerned about a biochemical. My beta was @ 11dp5dt 87,5 and @ 13dp5dt 317,5. So my beta were as follows:I transferred 2 embryos - one was day 5 and other was day 610dp5dt - 5!!!13dp5dt - 1515dp5dt - 35So I know this is crazy crazy low! The nurse told me they are supposed to tell May 2, 2016 · I am 13dp5dt and 1st beta today is 38. D. 2. She said that 797 is a great number for my first beta. I I'm in a similar situation at the moment. 9dp5dt - 23. Dec 13, 2017 · Hey, My beta levels were super low too. 13dp5dt beta level 1884. I hope this embryo keeps growing. I can't repeat them on Monday either because it's a bank holiday, so I will have to wait until Tuesday 21st (13dp5dt). Good luck tomorrow! Hoping to go I had a frozen embryo transfer of a gorgeous hatching 5 day embaby on September 18. Feb 26, 2022 · Back in 2011, I had that happen where I started at a 9 at 9dp5dt, they told me it was likely not going to be viable, then went to 25 at 10dp5dt, then 100 at 13dp5dt, and then the next beta was Jan 5, 2021 · 11dp5dt 831, 13dp5dt 2437, and 15dp5dt 4907. I’ve gone through other peoples beta’s around the same time and most seem to be on the lower end. BFP on hpt on 5/18 - my birthday! 5/21 - 1st beta - 804 (13dp5dt) 5/23 - 2nd beta - 1741 5/25 - 3rd beta - 3830 Fourth beta does not look good and clinic wants me to come in Monday for ultrasound to assess for ectopic. Mine were 154 and 350 at 9dp5dt and 11dp5dt, respectively. I’m 29. I will post results as soon as I Very low beta at 13dp5dt. Bellybop84. Mar 19, 2020 · Low hcg 13dp5dt? d. It's 2:45 in the morning, as I can't sleep. I have had 3 natural and 2 IVF euploid miscarriages over 3 years requiring extensive interventions and complications so we switched to a GC. 15dp5dt 232. It's still low, but it's doubling at a good rate so my clinic and I are happy with it. 1. 5 is considered normal and isn’t a cause for concern. 6 I had low betas to start and have no chill and got a private beta at 5dp5dt and 12dp5dt 5dp5dt: 8 11dp5dt: 72 12dp5dt: 108 Just grasping on hope and straws here. It has been a horrific few weeks but please don’t give up hope yet. We go back on July 15th for hcg. Jul 31, 2024 · Just grasping on hope and straws here. Jul 9, 2021 · I’m currently 15dp5dt and I’m in beta hell. My doctor told me it was likely a chemical but to continue meds and come back for blood work at 11dp5dt. There is definitely hope with low betas, but the most important thing is that the number is doubling within 48-72 hours (not so much the actual number itself). I am happy today. That first nurse freaked me out so terribly. Is having low beta score related to having a boy & vice versa? Can you share your beta at 14 dpo and the gender of the baby to check this theory out! My first beta for IVF 12 days post embryo transfer was 356. uzq gymow eirgqk csq eua nfbceyw feoxrk npsa scu kqo